Activar universe y multiverse

De Guía Ubuntu
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PropertiesFig.1 software

Ubuntu officially only supports or supports a number of programs available directly by using the Add / Remove Programsor'Synaptic (see Add applications) through the system of repository. It is a very large number or complete but fortunately the user community makes it possible to install tens of thousands of programs.

This article attempts to activate the two most important and known repositories unofficial:

  • Universe: programs maintained by the community
  • Multiverse commercial software, or proprietary of other companies or manufacturers.

Activate == == repositories

Using the GUI === ===

Archivo:Captura.Propiedades of Software3.jpg
'Enabling extra repositories Fig.2.


The process is very simple to activate, you must go to the menuSystem -> Administration -> Software Origins (see Fig.1'). Now click on the buttonAdd and in the window that opens we select all channels and checking the boxes:Community Maintained (Universe) Softwareandnon-free (multiverse) ' '(see Fig.2').

Now click the check box for every channel universe and multiverse (see Fig.3'). Once done click on theClosebutton.

'Fig.3 Repositories to enable ..

The system will display a notice indicating that the package list is obsolete. PressReload and the system will proceed to update the new list of packages or programs available fromandUniversemultiverse.

Remember that as stated in the notice shown below, we will need an Internet connection to update and installing new programs:

Using the command line

If you do not use GNOME or want to try an alternative, you can do via the command line.


Edit the file responsible for administering the repository with any text editor, such as GEdit  $ Sudo gedit / etc / apt / sources.list

After making this change our sources.listsuppressing(#) pads on each line where it appearsuniverseormultiverse. An example of thesimplifiedsources.list would be:


 deb feisty main restricted universe multiverse  deb-src feisty main restricted universe multiverse    deb feisty-updates main restricted universe multiverse  deb-src feisty-updates main restricted universe multiverse    deb feisty-security main restricted universe multiverse  deb-src feisty-security main restricted universe multiverse

That way we will have all repositories enabled, now and forever to change the sources.list (mandatory) execute the following command:  $ Sudo aptitude update

This will serve to update the list of packages we have in our repository. In this way we will have the repositories of the system and the universemultiverseandactivated.

See also

External links